Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Sew Liberated Schoolhouse Tunic

I made this pattern about 6 months ago, and I love it. I decided to revisit it with a few minor alterations. My biggest problem with the tunic (if you can call it that because I still love it) is that I have to wear a shirt under it. So my alteration was closures. Here is the first one, in cotton.

So, the new one has buttons. I did that by making a little tube of fabric and sewing it in during the step where I sewed the facings to the opening on the front. I thought I was clever... Apparently not very original, because you can find the same alterations on the Sew Liberated website. Also, I made this one in a light weight wool blend because it's winter here you know...

So there you are... My new tunic. And I just want to put it out there that re-using patterns you love with little alterations or in different fabrics is a great way to grow your wardrobe without having to alter a new pattern or risk not loving the finished results!


  1. Cute! I love using sewing patterns as a starting base and then seeing what other options I can think up. Your tunic looks great!
